Sunday, December 20, 2015

The designer Bible - Part 35. - Gibo

Julie Verhoeven was born in 1969. She studied at Central St. Martins Fashion College in LondonJulie is a London illustrator and freelance designer whose kooky talent has been bubbling behind the fashion scene for a decade. She’s done stints with John Galliano and Martine Sitbon, and was brought in two seasons ago by Marc Jacobs to design the cute, nutty patchwork animal bags for Louis Vuitton.


The designer Bible - Part 34. - Gianfranco Ferré

Gianfranco Ferré 1944. augusztus 15-én született egy olasz kisvárosban, Legnano-ban. Pályafutását eredetileg építészként kezdte: 1969-ben szerzett építész diplomát Milánóban. 25 éves korában azonban elcsábította szakmájától a divat világa, s a korán felismert tehetségét egy milánói divatiskolában kamatoztatta. Elsőként az általa tervezett kiegészítőket és ékszereket ismerhette meg a nagyközönség, majd 1978-ban mutatta be első önálló, női pret-á-porter kollekcióját. 
A Gianfranco Ferré stílus mindig is kerülte a felesleges részleteket, egyszerű és határozott szabásvonalak jellemzik, letisztultsága ellenére mégsem teljesen konzervatív.
1982-ben előrukkolt férfi kollekciójával is, melyet szintén kifinomult eleganciája jellemzett.

The designer Bible - Part 33. - Giambattista Valli

Giambattista Valli francia tervező, 1966-ban született Olaszországban. Rómában nevelkedett konzervatív családi körülmények között. Vatikán iskolába kezdett járni, majd 1980-ban a School Of Art diákja lett.

Gyermekkorában a fekete-fehér tévéműsorok kapcsán azzal szórakoztatta magát, hogy már ötévesen műsorvezetőket rajzolgatott, színeket adva ruháiknak. A School Of Art tanulójaként már Yves Saint Laurent rajzait másolta, és lassanként belelátott a divat világába. 1986-ban European Design Institute képzőművészeti iskolában, majd 1987-ben a Saint Martin School of Art illusztrációs szakán folytatta tanulmányait.

“A legnehezebb a divatban nem a logóról, hanem a sziluett alapján felismerhetővé válni.” – Giambattista Valli

The designer Bible - Part 32. - Gareth Pugh

A brit Gareth Pugh 1981-ben született és jelmeztervező akart lenni, ami sikerült. 14 évesen kezdett el a ruhatervezéssel foglalkozni - kosztümöket készített az English National Youth Theatre számára. Később folytatta ezt a szakmát, és 2003-ban végzett az egyetemen, mint divattervező.

The designer Bible - Part 31. - Franco Moschino

Franco Moschinót, 1983-ban alapította meg a nevét viselő Moschino márkát.
Franco Moschino

The designer Bible - Part 30. - Fendi

1925-ben, Eduardo Fendi , Adele Fendi nyitotta meg első bolt,  kiváló minőségű kézzel varrott termékeket kínáltak vendégeiknek.

Adele Frendi& Eduardo Frendi

The designer Bible - Part 29. - Erdem

Erdem Moralioglu 1977-ben született Kanadában. Gyerekkorát Montreál és Birmingham között ingázásaal töltötte, mert egyik szülője itt, másik pedig ott élt.Tanulmányait a Ryerson University in Toronton kezte meg , ahol fashion designból szerzett BA diplomát , ezután 2000- ben tovább álllt Londonba és gyakornoka lett Vivienne Westwoodnak , majd folyatatta tanulmányait a Rolyal College of Artban 2003-ban végzett és megkapta MA diplomáját. Ezután gyakornoka lett Diane von Fürstenbergnek. A 35 éves tervező 2005-ben alapította Erdem saját márkáját Londonban. A központ Est Londonban van, amelyet a tervező saját Nothing Hilljánek nevez. Az első kollekciója, a Fashion Fringe rendezvényen debütált, amely kifejezetten fiatal tehetséges tervezőknek lett rendezve a főnyereményt megnyerte, ami 180.000 dollár volt.

Erdem Moralioglu

The designer Bible - Part 28. - Emilio Pucci

Was an italian fashion designer and politician. He served as torpedo bomber pilot during World War II. He designed the first clothes for the Reed College skiing team. His designs came to wider attention in 1947, when he was on leave in Switzerland. A skiwear that he had designed for a female friend was photographed by a photographer working for Harper's Bazaar

The designer Bible - Part 27. - Emilio Cavallini

The italian designer quit college in Florance in 1966 and went to London. He had a passion for hosiery and started to dress up women with patterned (dots, stars etc.) hosiery. In 1970 he opened his company and started producing for Gucci, Dior and other famous designers. In 1980 he launched his hosiery brand. He designed not only hosiery, but shoes, leather accesories, etc. He started  to develope seamless clothing.


The designer Bible - Part 26. - Emanuel Ungaro

His father was a tailor, as a child he received a sewing machine from him. At 22 he moved to Paris, designed for House of Cristobal Balenciaga for 3 years, than quitted for Courrèges. In 1973 he launched his first menswear collection, Ungaro Uomo and in 1983 his first perfume, called Diva. In 2005 he retired and sold his label to Asim Abdullah.

SS 2012 Source

The designer Bible - Part 25. - Elie Saab

A designer from Beirut. He started sewing as a child, her sister was his model. In 1982 he launched his label when he was only 18. Later he moved to Paris to study fashion design, but ended up moving back to Beirut. Saab was the first non-Italian designer who become a member of the Italian Camera Nazionale della Moda and he was also the first Lebanese designer who dressed up an Oscar winner (Halle Berry). He showed his first haute couture collection in Paris in July 2003. In 2010 he dressed up 102 celebrities and this number raised from year to year since then.

Fall 2013 Source

The designer Bible - Part 24. - Dries van Noten

Belgian fashion designer, whose family was always trading with or tailoring clothes. He decided designing them. He studied at the Antwerp Fashion Academy. He graduated in 1980 but his first collection was launched only in 1986 with other 5 designers (they were called as Antwerpen Six). He likes to switch up the women and men lines, so sometimes nobody can tell if it is a women's or men's piece.  Among other celebrities Jennifer Lopez or Clate Blanchett wears his clothes.

Fall 2014 Source

The designer Bible - Part 23. - Donna Karan

Let's talk about Donna Karan today!

Fall 2015 Source

The designer Bible - Part 22. - Donatella Versace

Versace 2014 Men
Versace FW 2013

Another one of the most famous designers nowadays is Donatella Versace - no doubt, she has a good eye for sometimes outrageous choices, that never go unnoticed.

If someone's designs are worn by pop stars and royalty - well, they must be doing a great job! 

Donatella Versace

The designer Bible - Part 21. - Dolce and Gabbana

All hail the two demigods of Italian fashion!

DG 2015 SS Backstage

The designer Bible - Part 20. - Diane Von Fürstenberg

Hey kids!

I told you before that some designers it's hard for me to get excited about, well Diane von Fürstenberg is one of those designers. Even though I appreciate her work, her style seems a bit boring for me, but hats off to her for inventing the wrap dress! I'm sure it's hard to make it in the fashion world, she's done that, but I'm a bit puzzled about her in general. 

Well check out what I found, and let me know what you think!

Diane Von Fürstenberg

Sunday, December 13, 2015

The designer Bible - Part 18. - Coco Chanel

Have you been living in a cave, growing a huge beard, feeding on bugs and creepy crawlies for the last 100 years? 

If you answered YES, this post is going to have a lot of new information for  you.

Did you answer NO? Then you're probably not weird, and have ears and eyes, which make you able to receive the information around you. I'm 100% sure you heard of Chanel.


Coco Chanel in 1960, wearing her own creation

The designer Bible - Part 17. - Christopher Kane

Rise and shine, fashionistas!

Welcome back, today we have a very special designer on the menu! 
I honestly didn't know much about Christoper Kane's work before I started looking into it recently, but I was very pleasantly surprised. A lot of times, when I'm looking for more info for my top 100 designers list, it's difficult for me to find pictures that excite me enough to put them into the posts, but I didn't have this problem with this guy! 

Cara Delevingne wearing Christopher Kane 2013 RTW

Kane seems to have the bitchy resting face syndrome be a little moody, but for someone so talented, I think we can forgive something this minor. Let's see what he does!

Christopher Kane

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The designer Bible - Part 16. - Christian Louboutin, a.k.a. the lord of shoes

Hello, hello, fashion lovers!

Louboutin nail polish

While I was reading Christian Louboutin's story, I stumbled upon something that I found very interesting: when he was a kid, he always felt like an outsider in his French family, because he didn't look like his parents, or the rest of his siblings, his skin was much darker. He started making up a story is his head, that he was Egyptian, because he was very interested in the culture - turns out his mom, Irene, had a secret affair with an Egyptian man, so his biological father was, in fact, from there!